Getting to know the Pearce Family

So, here I am, setting up a blog site. With a new baby on the way, we wanted a way to document all the little things that are in our future, because let's face it, I am a whole lot better at doing this kind of stuff on the computer as opposed to scissors and paste for scrapbooking. We might have a slow start, but I assure you, once Little Miss Sutherlynn Grace is born, there will be lots of pictures and updates... babies grow so fast!

Speaking of Princess Pearce, she has positioned herself right on Mommy's bladder, and it is making for one uncomfortable afternoon. Regardless, all the kicks, weight gain, bloating and swelling will be worth it in December when we get to meet her for the very first time. 

With all that being said, I will introduce you to the member of the Pearce Family Palace. 

Meet Sutherlynn Grace... we are 31 weeks and 6 days today. Shown here at 20 weeks, she was trying to suck her thumb!

 Meet Mommy... Shown pre-pregnancy and pre-hair cut crisis.

Here is Daddy (Matt to everyone else)... This was taken right after I had a bunch of blood work done at the lab, and he turned so pale you could almost see through him. We had to take the poor guy to eat afterwards.

Meet 'Beetle'... although her real name is Miss Millie. A plump, very spoiled, OCD, red dachshund. She is Mommy's girl.

And, finally, here is Curtis, our very old, itchy, scratchy, stinky, hairy Black Lab. We still love him though.

So, there we all are. We hope you enjoy our blogs to come! And don't be too critical of my misspellings and sometimes bad grammar... I'll try to do good, I promise.


All Things Cherish said...

Congrats on your first post!! The blog looks great! P.S. - the fine tuning never ends! : )

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