
I am documenting today because I want to forget it and never forget it all at the same time. I feel miserable. It hurts to sit, it hurts to stand, it hurts to walk, it hurts to lay... miserable. I went to the Doctor yesterday, and I am still at 2cm. No progress, just miserable. I was awake every hour last night, completely angry because I didn't want to watch t.v., I didn't want to read, I didn't want to do anything but lay there and be mad. And the same feeling carries on today. I have gained 3 more pounds in the last week, and I feel every single ounce of it with every move I make. Its official.... 9 months of pregnancy is just too long. Still praying, still hoping, and yes- I know it will be worth it when she arrives. Ba-hum-bug for now...


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